
Welcome to the 2011 Onalaska Church of Christ Dominican Republic Missions Ministry web log. This site is to keep you informed about our mission, preparations for our trips and communications with the missionaries in the Dominican Republic.

Our vision is captured in the messages on our flag:

viajar - Servir - madurar
to go - To Serve - to grow

Levante las Velas y Adelante al Horizonte (LLV y AAH)
Hoist the Sails and Onward to the Horizon

Blog updated March 5, 2011
The OCC - DR blog is being updated to provide information about the 2011 trip and the planned visit to the Dominican Republic in the summer of 2012

Accounts from our activities on Thursday, February 17 are now posted.

This Site
This Welcome section and the Current News section that follow have their permanent homes here at the top of the blog. Starting with this update, posts will follow in order written immediately below the Current News. This means that all posts will be available in this window or through the archive list that can be accessed in the Blog Archive menu at the bottom of the right hand side bar.

What time is it in the DR?


Current News

2011 Visit to the DR
The team for the 2011 visit occurred between February 16 and February 22. Reports are being provided in new posts, one post for each day of the trip. We will soon be making plans for our next visit to the Dominican Republic, tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2012.

Anticipate :: Devo #9

Made Whole
The meditation leader for this lesson based her study on the story of Hannah. Read 1Samuel 1:1-28 and 1Samuel 2:1-11, 18-21. Hannah experienced distress – things were “broken” in her life. We see that she put her situation before God. The result, she left the temple where she had prayed and been counseled by the priest Eli with a face that was “no longer downcast” (v18). Nothing had “happened” yet, but her confidence in the Lord had already lifted her up.

I’ll always remember arriving in Santiago 24 hours late after our “vacation” in Miami. When we stepped out of the terminal building into the warm night air, Dan, Sharayah, Cassie and Mara were there to greet us. And Dan observed, “We are whole again!”

It had been a long, difficult day, traveling all the way to Miami only to miss the only flight of the day to Santiago. This resulted in a long wait at the ticket counter to get re-booked and a long discussion with the airline before we were given vouchers for our overnight stay. Then, another wait at the curb for our transportation to the hotel, provided by a driver who asked US where the hotel was. Were we thankful for what was happening? Were we looking for the message that God had for us? Did we see opportunities to serve as short term missionaries, even though we had not “arrived” in the field yet? YES. What a team! The day that we were made whole again, as Dan described it, started with a trip to a park on the edge of Biscayne Bay where we held an impromptu worship service, thanking God for his provision in this special way. And, of course, we made it to Santiago.

While we might see certain situations as our plans being “broken,” God simply asks us to see anything that happens as an opportunity. And we can express our thanks to God throughout, knowing that what we may see as broken at the moment will eventually be seen as a part of the wholeness of God’s plan.

Thank God for what he has done so far in building up our team and for revealing to us already some of the opportunities we will have during our visit. And let’s pray this week that we have the confidence in God’s plan to be excited from beginning to end regardless of what happens at the moment. Pray again for the each member of the Team as we continue to prepare our hearts and attitudes for the trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*I appreciate your reflections and thoughtfulness.